Brazil 2014
Brazil 2014
Round 1 Scoring Rules
You have to predict the results of ALL of the first round matches - 48 games.
You get points for predicting
1.The result
2.The score
- if you get the result right, then the closer you are to the exact score the more points you get.
However you can lose points or fractions of points if your goal predictions are way off the actual score. The details of the scoring system are below. So the skill is not only in getting results right but estimating how many goals might be scored.
Results will be posted online in as close to real time as possible.
Prediction Scoring Rules
Here’s how you win, or lose, points:
•If you get the result of the game right you get 3 points
•If you get the goal difference right you get another point
•If you have the exact score you get another point
So………the maximum you can get is 5 points
If the score you predict for either team is 2 or more goals away from the actual score you will be deducted 0.5 of a point for EVERY goal. See examples below - don't be put off by the seeming complexity! All you have to do is predict the results.
Final Ranking is based on the points scored. In the event of two people having the same points the person with more 5-pointers wins. If both players have the same number of 5-pointers, 4-pointers will separate them and so on.
Example A
You predict: Brazil 2 Croatia 1
The result is: Brazil 1 Croatia 0
•For right result - 3 points
•For right goal difference - 1 point
Total 4 points
Example B
You predict: Brazil 3 Croatia 0
The result is: Brazil 1 Croatia 0
•For right result - 3 points
•For goal difference - 0 points
•Predicted score is 2 away from actual: lose 0.5 (i.e. you are not penalized for being wrong by 1 goal but more than that you are)
Total 2.5 points
(The deduction is 0.5 of a point for every goal 2 or MORE away from the actual for EITHER team)
Example C
You predict: Brazil 4 Croatia 2
The result is: Brazil 1 Croatia 0
•For right result: 3 points
•For goal difference 0 points
•Predicted score for Brazil is 3 away from actual: lose 2 x 0.50 = 1 point
•Predicted score for Croatia is 2 away from actual: lose 1 x 0.5 point = 0.5 point
Total 1.5 points
Example D
You predict: Brazil 2 Croatia 1
The result is: Brazil 2 Croatia 1
•For right result - 3 points
•For right difference: 1 point
•Both scores right: 1 point
Total 5 points – perfect score
Note that while it is mathematically possible to get a negative total we do not allocate negative scores for correct results otherwise people who got the result wrong would be better off!